Premium Brass & Bronze

Product Details

The dramatic increase in precious metal prices over the past few years has created a need to manufacture more affordable jewelry. ABI Manufacturing’s high quality brass and bronze alloys can fill this need.

In white bronze, ABI offers nickel and nickel free blends that provide good white color, improved casting properties, and increased tarnish resistance. These alloys are an excellent sterling silver alternative. In colored bronze, ABI offers a variety of yellow and red colors with superior casting properties.

Benefits Included

  • Great white, yellow, and pink selection
  • Good cast-ability (increased flow properties, reduced porosity)
  • Most alloys suitable for hand fabrication
  • Improved tarnish resistance
  • Increased hardness/durability
  • High purity (no hazardous elements)
Performance Characteristics
Color Alloy Type Color Casting Temp. Hardness Density (G/cm³) Casting Comments
Yellow 696 Brass C.F Bright Yellow 1000°C 70 HV 8.5 Excellent metal flow, medium smoke, bright yellow casting, soft
Yellow 817 Brass C,F Yellow 1030°C 90 HV 8.5 Good metal flow, low smoke, closed system casting suitable
Yellow 926 Brass C.F Bright Yellow 1000°C 70 HV 8.5 Excellent metal flow, medium smoke, bright yellow casting, soft
Yellow 902 Brass C Dark Yellow 1030°C 98 HV 8.8 Good metal flow, low smoke. Closed system casting suitable, low shrinkage
Yellow 798 Brass C,F 10K Yellow 1010°C 82 HV 8.7 Good casting and plating properties with medium smoke
Yellow 8025 Brass C.F 14K Yellow 1020°C 80 HV
Good metal flow, low smoke, high tarnish resistance, beautiful 14K gold color
Yellow 890 Bronze C.F True Bronze 1050°C 74 HV 8.8 Good metal flow, low smoke, closed system casting suitable, good plating properties
Yellow 955 Bronze C Reddish Brown 1040°C 90 HV 8.6 Good flow with low smoke, closed system casting suitable, excellent surface
Pink 961 Bronze C.F Pink 1070°C 67 HV 8.7 Good metal flow, low smoke, normal quench cycle
White 18-S Bronze C Grey Sterling 1210°C 110 HV 8.6 German silver with good metal flow and medium smoke
White 21 Bronze C Grey Sterling 1220°C 120 HV 8.7 German silver with good metal flow and medium smoke, whiter finish
White 2510 Bronze C Pink 1030°C 104 HV 9.3 With silver content, Excellent metal flow and hand fabrication properties, low smoke, good for master models

Premium Brass & Bronze

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